Our community at NWCS represents our three core values of a distinctively Biblical, Vibrant and Relational school and community culture of believers. Visitors to NWCS’ elementary campus are immediately impressed by the atmosphere of joy and Christian love.  Our dynamic teaching staff consists of all Washington State certified teachers with current credentials and many who are instructional leaders in their fields with Master’s degrees and beyond.

Prepared in Mind

Our goal at the elementary school is to prepare students for middle school by building solid foundations in every subject. NWCS desires to teach through a biblical worldview with a focus on Scriptural Enduring Understandings. Our vibrant learning environment grows through Christ-centered relationships among students, teachers and families. Our pupils work hard to achieve high standard of academic excellence. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) standardized tests are administered, and results prove that our students are among the highest achievers in the nation.

Our rich elementary program educates the whole child. The curriculum utilizes the most effective materials and methods for each subject. Core areas include:

Reading: Taught within the context of a phonics and balanced literacy approach with an emphasis on critical thinking and comprehension instruction.

Mathematics: Emphasizes proficiency in arithmetic, basic skills and problem solving. Differentiated instructional learning opportunities both challenge and support students at their learning level.

English: Six Traits Writing taught through student created narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive pieces. Grammar components are integrated through Houghton Mifflin Journeys Curriculum. NWCS engages in an annual “NWC Writes” writing rally where students create and share their own original stories with others around a school-wide theme.

Social Studies: Comprehensive instruction including US History, geography, and social studies including multiple experiential opportunities for learning throughout the elementary grades.

Science: Taught within a biblical context, in light of National Science Education Standards. Our science curriculum emphasizes an inquiry model of learning science. STEM Discovery Days (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) allow students the opportunity to explore through a hands on approach. By the sixth grade, students will have received an excellent foundation.

Music: In the Orff music curriculum, students learn to read, write, perform, and appreciate music offered through our award winning band and choir programs.

Art: Students create work inspired by the Masters with a focus on the fundamentals of drawing and design.

Technology: Each teacher has a SMART Board in his or her room, as well as several computers for student use.  Students also participate in technology classes and learn computer skills in the computer lab. An emphasis on applying 21st century skills with integrity as a tool is promoted. Furthermore, NWC elementary has a Technology Coordinator who is involved in teacher training and continually updating teachers on the latest educational hardware and software.


Our elementary curriculum is rounded out by our offerings of enrichment courses in art, music, physical education, and athletics. All K-6 students perform in music concerts at various times during each school year. Fifth and sixth grade students are given the option of band or choir. NWCS’ elementary athletic opportunities include cross country, basketball, volleyball, baseball, and softball.

NWC also offers “Enrichment Classes & Clubs (E.C.C.),” a before and after school enrichment program available to kindergarten through 8th grade students.

STEM Discovery Days

STEM Discovery Days are offered every month to kindergarten through 5th grade students and involve kids in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics challenges around the building through the scientific inquiry process and experiments with hands-on learning. Favorite classes have included: explosions, bridges, foundational physics, kitchen chemistry, geometric architecture and coding.

Transformed in Heart

God’s love and scriptural truth are emphasized through our chapel program as a new character theme is presented monthly. Students who are “caught” exemplifying these traits are recognized and positively rewarded in a variety of ways at the classroom and school-wide level. Disciplinary issues are usually resolved through a team approach involving the student, parents, teacher and administrator. The combined effort is designed to foster change from the “inside out” knowing that a transformed heart that follows Christ will also positively affect outward behavior. While there are very few serious discipline issues at NWCS, each teacher and administrator enforces NWCS’ high standards of discipline.

Curriculum Guide

[btn-pdf]2018-2019 Elementary Curriculum Guides[/btn-pdf]


Contact Information

If you have additional questions about the application process or the NWCS program, please contact:

Northwest Christian Schools
5028 E. Bernhill Rd.
Colbert, WA  99005
Phone: 509-292-6700 ext 110
Fax: 509-292-6704
Email:  Jana Baldwin at jbaldwin@nwcs.org