coffeeiconThe best way to decide if Northwest Christian Schools is right for your family is to see it!

Please join us for coffee and a tour! You will learn more about who we are, what we do and how we impact lives!

These one-hour tours are hosted by current NWC parents who are excited to share their experiences with you.  There will be plenty of time for questions and answers and to meet the principal.  Some financial aid information will be available as well.

Please click here to schedule your tour and an NWC representative will contact you in 1-2 school days.  We look forward to meeting you in the near future!

Tours may be scheduled by appointment online or by calling 509.238.4005 ext 141.

The NWCS Lower Campus is our newest building and hosts our Early Learning Program (12 months-5 years), Elementary Students (Kindergarten-5th grade) and Middle School Students (6th-8th grades).

[btn-small]Schedule a Lower Campus Tour[/btn-small]

Lower Campus[soliloquy id=”4540″]

The NWCS Upper Campus hosts our High School Students and Administrative Offices.

[btn-small]Schedule an Upper Campus Tour[/btn-small]

Upper Campus

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