IMG_7629Northwest Christian Schools’ Athletic Programs strive to provide a setting for student athletes to develop and display Christ-like character in all situations. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

Northwest Christian’s goal is to help meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of young people through the provision of a variety of athletic programs. Well-organized and managed athletic programs convey many Biblical principles taught by the Lord Jesus. Unity, others first, stewardship, commitment, self control and respect for authority are only a few principles that characterize individuals who are working together to build a team that honors the Lord Jesus. Those who are involved with a desire and commitment to honor the Lord will immeasurably gain from the opportunities provided through specific athletic programs.

HSgirlsCCThe athletic program at Northwest Christian is extracurricular, and participation is not a right but a privilege. We want students to realize that their first priority is academics; not athletics.

The process and programs provided for achieving NWC’s purposes are filled with many unique opportunities. The Northwest Christian Athletic Program strives to help provide athletes, coaches, parents and fans with four distinct opportunities:

  • The opportunity to disciple each other toward greater perfection in Christ.
  • The opportunity to develop skills in areas of physical and athletic competency.
  • The opportunity to use the talents and time God has given us, as a witness to others.
  • The opportunity to support and enjoy the collective efforts of teams that focus on honoring the Lord Jesus.IMG_2554

High school sports are: football, boys and girls soccer, volleyball, cross-country, football, cheerleading, basketball, wrestling, track & field, baseball, softball, and golf.

Middle school sports are: football, volleyball, cross-country, basketball, wrestling, track & field, baseball, and softball.  The middle school (7-8) participates in the Inland Empire Mid-Level League.

Elementary sports are: volleyball, cross-country, basketball, baseball, and softball.  Elementary (5-6) teams compete against local small Christian and Catholic schools.

NWCS Homeschool students are welcome to participate in all athletics at NWCS.

Athletic fees for the 2017-2018 school years are as follows:

Elementary (5th-6th) $90 per sport

Middle School (7th-8th) $130* per sport

High School (9th-12th) $150* per sport

*There are additional charges for the Golf and Football programs.  Please inquire as to the fees.


Contact Information

For more information about our Athletics Program, please contact:

Northwest Christian Schools
5104 E. Bernhill Road
Colbert, WA  99005
Contact:  Aaron Spuler
Phone:  509-238-4005 x 139
Email:  Aaron Spuler at
